Is Sketch Costing Himself Thousands of Dollars by His Actions?

2 min readApr 5, 2024


Image from Thesketchreal YouTube Page

Thesketchreal also known as Sketch has become a very popular streamer within the last couple of months with him collaborating with big names like Kai Cenat, Caseoh, and Jynxzi, as well with his demeanor being used on national television when it comes to celebrating a touchdown, a win, or just when they are having a good time.

How is Sketch costing himself money?

The main issue that we are going to talk about when it comes to Sketch would be his openness to smoke on a stream by himself and other streamers like Jynxzi. By doing this he is closing doors that would have been open if he were to keep his substance usage off-camera since some companies do not want to be associated with people who smoke or drink.

Example of someone losing a sponsorship.

A great example of someone losing one of their bigger sponsorships would be Summit1g, while streaming Valorant he was spectating his teammates and decided to “hide his camera and mute” but in reality, he missed the button and everyone on stream was still able to see him. Without catching this mishap he started to pull his bong out and realized that he was still visible and immediately hid the camera, but the damage was already done. Within the next week, he lost his Monster sponsorship which he had for roughly 2 years at that point.

What should happen moving forward?

Depending on what Sketch wants to do I believe it would be in his best interest to stop smoking on stream to try to brush it under the rug so he is not known as the goofy Madden streamer that smokes a lot of weed. By doing this he could reopen some doors that were previously closed allowing him to make more money and set him up financially for the long run.

He could also keep doing what he is doing, be happy, and not have to worry about what he does on stream and hopefully get a cannabis sponsorship that turns into a long-term relationship allowing him to join the business like Mike Tyson with his Tyson 2.0.

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